
Effect of coding GC content on the secondary structure of proteins


One of the main characteristics of the genomes of organisms is the ratio in which the guanine-cytosine bases are used in their DNA sequences. This is known as the genomic GC content and varies widely, from values as low as 13% to values greater than 74%. It has been demonstrated that the genomic GC content of organisms influences the amino acid composition of their corresponding proteomes. GCto2D goes one step further. It allows analysis of the impact genes' GC content imposes on the secondary structures of the proteins they encode.


Running GCto2D

1. Pick your options:

Secoundary Structure:

Bias of GC gene content on Secondary Structure:

2. Choose one Filteres COG from list

No data found for

3. See your results for : :

a) GC content plot

Draw an area on chart to zoom in it

Gene data:

Click any point on chart to show gene info


b) SS alignment

C = Coil
